Sync with over 70 payment gateways in moments and then seamlessly embed payments into any of your online services.
Connect any form to one of 70 payment gateways in moments allowing your agencies to move between multiple merchant accounts as needed.
Add payment options to any of your online services, document or web form, and include a customized transaction fee with just a few clicks.
Payments follows the highest data security standards with PCI Compliance. We can also export data or sync with your existing accounting systems.
With Payments all fees can be processed directly within a form and are customizable. Fees can be set to specific amounts or calculated automatically based on the users’ answers.
Fees can be a requirement for submission or optional. You may even include transaction fees as part of the total amount due.
Check to see if your gateway is one of the 70+ supported by SeamlessDocs. We are also always adding new ones.
Make sure that going paperless is actually paperless!
Set up calculations on your existing PDF and accept payment with ease.
Ensure that registering is as fun as the event itself.
Encourage more vendors to want to work with your city with paperless applications.
Triggers enable government agencies to automate online form actions based on Tags, Stages and Assignment to build workflows and processing on your forms.
Simply choose the criteria you want to activate a Trigger and SeamlessDocs will execute that action when a form is submitted.
Never forget to send an email response again. With Triggers, SeamlessDocs does the work for you.
Choose from a number of different factors that can trigger an automated action, like stages, tags or assignments.
Triggers activate immediately, so your communication happens in real time after a form submission.